Maria Taktasheva

Machine Learning researcher interested in the social impact of computing technologies and new media

About me

I'm starting my PhD in Computer Science under the supervision of Andrea Tagliasacchi at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) working on Neural Fields. Before that I did an MSc in Data Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) at Skoltech (Moscow, Russia) with Alexey Artemov.

My research interests lie in the fields of 2D and 3D computer vision & graphics, I'm interested in applications of AI for art, architecture and urban studies. I'm also interested in new media forms arising with the spread of VR and AR. Another point of interest is economic and urban planning with data and the history of that.

My experience

In 2022-2023, I worked as a Machine Learning Developer at Haiper (London, UK) building foundational models for visual content generation (including Captur3 app for NeRF-based 3D content creation and Haiper platform for text-to-video generation).

In 2020-2022, I was a Data Scientist in the Interaction Integrity team at Facebook London, where we were designing a new framework for measurement and abuse prevention in end-to-end encrypted setup in Messenger/Instagram.

In 2019, I interned at the Computer Vision Department at Yandex in Moscow working on multimodal video search, and then I was a Research Intern at ADASE group at Skoltech.

Before 2018, as an undergrad student, I studied Economics and Data Science at Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). I taught multiple Python, R and Machine Learning courses for non-STEM majors as a part of a Data Culture project and was a TA for a few Statistics ones. I also was a research assistant in a number of projects analysing the outcomes of the Soviet Economic collapse.


My up to date CV is here. I'm interested in collaborations on projects within my research interests.

You can also find me on GitHub (mtaktash) or email me at


My Google Scholar profile is here.


I'm planning to write a blog about my research and other things I'm interested in.